
Water pH:

pH, stands for power of hydrogen, is the measurement of hydrogens ions in a solution. This gives us the acidity or alkalinity of water from a scale of 0 to 14. The carbonate hardness and calcium level in water affect the pH value.

Soil pH:

Soil pH or soil reaction is an indication of the acidity or alkalinity of soil and is measured
in pH units. The pH scale goes from 0 to 14 with pH 7 as the neutral point. As the amount of hydrogen ions in the soil increases, the soil pH decreases, thus becoming more acidic. From pH 7 to 0, the soil is increasingly more acidic, and from pH 7 to 14, the soil is increasingly more alkaline or basic Alkaline pH reduces the solubility of all the micronutrients (particularly Fe, Zn, Cu & Mn) except Mo and Cl. Within a pH range of 6.5 – 7.5, most of the essential nutrients (especially phosphate) are available to plants.
Use of Neutral neutralize both Soil pH & Water pH level and maintain balance
non-inoffensively for plant healthy growth.

Uniqueness benefits of Neutral:
  • Use of Neutral plays an important role in volatization losses.
  • Proper cell division & elongation is observed after proper application, which increase crop yield
  • Proper cell wall development & enzyme activity.
  • Good rate of Nitrate uptake and metabolism is seen after using Neutral.
  • Cost effective to farmers as one product used for both soil & water pH balance.
  • Using Neutral will help in clear flow through drip.
  • It also balance the salinity of water.
  • Available in bottle packing – 100ml, 250ml, 500ml & 1Liter.
  • Available in CAN packing – 5Liter, 20Liter and 50Liter.
  • Available in barrel packing – 200Liter.

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